Rating: TEN! Just a great product [POWERFOOT inserts]! Easy to apply & completely changed the feel of my skates. I gave the inserts a TEN because:
- Speed of delivery: They shipped very quickly & customer support/communication from your company was top notch.
- Application: Took the laces out, sized them & applied them. After lacing up I was shocked with the noticeable difference in comfort! Unbelievable! Unfortunately I was nursing an injured knee so the ice test was delayed.
- On ice: Last night was the first on ice test. Having less movement created better burst (especially to loose pucks) & better agility. Your company basically upgraded my skate many notches with your product. Not having my toes curl or bounce around was awesome.
- Comfort? Felt like I was wearing slippers.
- I have spread the word & will be showing these to the only dedicated hockey store in my area. I saved the packaging to show them. I also had a buddy try my “new” skates on….. He LOVED the feel! Word should pass quickly.
Nutshell: Great product & customer support, easy application, & happy customer.